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OpenUsing is configured by placing application aliases and folders in the OpenUsing Folder.

Place aliases of applications in the OpenUsing Folder. Only these applications will appear in the OpenUsing contextual menu.
Items are loaded in alphabetical order. Use the prefix "xx)" to order things as you want them to appear in the menus (where x is any character). The "xx)" prefix will not appear in the menus.
Separator Lines:
You can add separator lines to the menu by placing empty folders with names that end with a hyphen (-) in the OpenUsing Folder. OpenUsing will not to show separator lines as the first or last item in a menu, nor will it show consecutive separator lines.
Folders and their contents appear as submenus. However if the name of the folder ends with an ampersand (&), the contents of the folder are loaded without creating a submenu.
Running Apps Submenu:
To load a list of running applications into the OpenUsing submenu, place an empty folder named "Running Apps" in the OpenUsing Folder. Of course you can use the ordering prefix and/or ampersand suffix as part of the name.




OpenUsing Scripts

This folder contains two useful AppleScripts which can help you configure the OpenUsing Folder. They can be used as regular scripts, or (to be really cool) place aliases of them in the OpenUsing Folder!